A.Ge is a new LUDWIG drums endorser more details soon.
_A.Ge recorded the single and opening track on the album ‘Storm’ for the Italian heavy metal project ODYSSEA featuring Pier Gonella on guitars
(Mastercastle, Necrodeath, Vanexa etc) and Roberto Tiranti on vocals (ex-Labyrinth, Wonderworld) ? set to be released in December, via Diamonds
Prod. https://www.facebook.com/Diamonds-Prod-218845904961348/timeline/
_QUEENMANIA will be on tour in Germany. New gigs added on LIVE section www.andreage.com/live/
_New review by A.Ge on DRUM CLUB Magazine about the legendary drummer CLYDE STUBBLEFIELD from James Brown
_Check the new A.Ge’s videoclips on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/MrAndreage
_Check the A.Ge’s FACEBOOK profile on: www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Ge-official/158159670931264